Monday, August 23, 2010

Aug 17-21, 2010

The start of the exterior log siding. A tad fuzzy. Cec adamantly claims that there were only limited quantities of libations involved. Hummmm. Don't most digital cameras have an autofocus feature!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

July 29 - Aug 7, 2010

The surface water temperature was unusually high (25C). Great for water sports.

Ice cream, ice cream...

The loft with the chimeny removed and the ceiling completed.

Painting the bedroom.

Gillingham Lake

Bush Pies in the making.

Drywall in the bedroom.

Fireweed at the Junction of Hwy 106 and Jan Lake access.

Ahhhh. Putting up with this travelling nonsense as best as I can.